The digital divide and digital literacy

If cities thought things were fast-moving, communities are also under a veritable tidal wave of new information and ways of transacting everyday life that threatens to swamp all but the most able and aware.

The digital divide is such a serious concern that it is being taken up at national and international government levels - with worries that it is impeding productivity and worsening inequalities. Cities are no exception, and with a focus on citizen-centric innovation, they must find ways to keep people engaged and involved, without tech and data becoming a barrier.

Where to look for more tips and guidance:

Digital Innovation Hubs

Reach out nationally to see what is available near you - and if you are in Europe, a good place to head to is your nearest Digital Innovation Hub.


The CITYxCITY Academy is one way to help cities work with communities to share knowledge and engage people in different walks of life and sectors.

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